Thursday, October 2, 2008

Project 1

The problems we face in America are something that we can all relate to, especially if we focus in on just Michigan. If you look around though, it is not just Michigan having economic problems; it is America as a whole. I have friends in several different states and they too talk of job loss, economic problems, etc. America is supposed to be this superpower nation; the place where everyone wants to go. The place that will make your life complete and all your wildest dreams will come true. Then why are so many of us suffering due to the economy? Why do so many of us go to work everyday fearing that it could be our last? My project is going to be geared toward what American can to do make sure our people are not suffering. My main argument is simple- stop helping other countries so much! I understand that we are the huge superpower and we want to help and feel the need to. But there's a time where enough is enough. My argument stems off of the song The Americans by Byron Mcgregor. If you haven't listened to this song, listen to it. Maybe my major in history is the reason that I love it so much but it really hits home. This some was written in the 1970's I believe but the argument still stands today. America helps too much. We rush to other countries aide sometimes without them even asking! How many countries would rush to help us? How many countries are in debt to us. Will we ever see a penny of that again? Probably not and we're not fighting for it, we just let it go. The war in Iraq is a really good example. I personally believe that we are not fighting for the effects of 9-11 anymore. Right now we are trying to force our government on them saying that it will make them a better country. Who are we to say who's government is better? True, it wouldn't be good if they went communist or anything but why are we so great? We are paying for everything over there. Building their country from the bottom up and Iraq is not spending a single penny. Add on that we're buying their oil and that country is banking. And America? We're broke. We spend so much on the war when it could go to better uses. How many people in America don't have health care? How many parents have to work several jobs just to provide food and a place to live for their families? How hard is it to go to college because it's so expensive? I feel like I've rambled on long enough. So to end this, my project will be a powerpoint basically touching on these subjects again and ways that America can start to look out for our own good and stop worrying about everyone elses!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

While I agree wholeheartedly with you that America should be focusing on domestic, rather than foreign, issues, I think your position would be stronger if you expanded your thesis and looked at the American history that brought us to this point. The war in Iraq didn't just happen; we played a large part in creating the situation that is around now. Containing Communism, fortifying our oil connections, putting in dictators and stocking "trusted" countries' armories all led us to where we are today. It wasn't good-heartedness, it was greed and fear. Attacking this problem by only looking at the last decade undermines your argument. America doesn't just need to stop "helping out" other countries; it needs to keep its hands to itself altogether.